Photos from SCAMP Skills academy

Photos from SCAMP Skills academy

We had a very interesting time at last weekend’s Scamp Skills academy, taught by SCAMP guru Howard Rice. Attendees included owners of Gig Harbor and homebuilt Scamps, plus a few folks contemplating getting or building a Scamp. Topics includes sailing techniques,...
Fiberglass SCAMP review in 48 North

Fiberglass SCAMP review in 48 North

Our fiberglass SCAMP got a fantastic write-up in the April 2014 issue of 48 North! It’s a pretty good sized article so we’re not going to reprint the whole thing here, but these are a few of our favorite parts:   Gig Harbor Boat Works, known for their...

When less is more

This is a real-life example of how a bigger boat isn’t necessarily better… Many years ago we built a 12′ Point Defiance sailboat for a lady who lives on a nearby island. She sailed the dickens out of that Point Defiance and really loved it! But then...
September Fiberglass Scamp Update

September Fiberglass Scamp Update

Sorry for the looong interval since the last update. Ever since we finished the tooling we have been focused on building and shipping brand new Fiberglass Scamps to their owners. Three boats are already in the possession of their skippers and our fourth Scamp has just...
A couple of Scamp goodies

A couple of Scamp goodies

Two of the most vexing problems we hear about are trailers that actually fit a Scamp and how to store oars that are long enough to be of practical use. Well, our crinkled, scribbled and doodled upon napkins have yielded results again. Had to resharpen the pencils a...