The New Dinghy Dogs

The New Dinghy Dogs

Hey Everyone! Remember Dinghy Dogs? Well we brought them back, but this time with the name Inflatable Sponsons. You can view it below or find it under Customization and Accesories.  We have been trying to come up with a name just as catchy as Dinghy dogs and...
The New Dinghy Dogs

The Start of Race To Alaska!

The Race To Alaska starts this week and we couldn’t be more excited!!! Be sure to keep up with the live updates on their website! It’s so fun to watch and keep up with and we hope you will find the joy in it that we do. Race starts June 8th at 5am PST This...
The New Dinghy Dogs

We are on Snapchat!

We are now on Snapchat! Make sure to follow us for behind the scene looks at the company and boating life, along with inside looks at upcoming boatshows. Follow us at: ghboats And a reminder that to also follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more boating fun!...
Shipping Sale now through May 9th!

Shipping Sale now through May 9th!

Time to get serious about your summer plans… and we’ve got exciting news to help get those creative juices flowing.  From now through May 9th, we are having a month long sale on shipping! Order a new Gig Harbor Boat Works boat (any model) and receive a big...
Our new look!

Our new look!

Those of you who have visited before probably noticed a difference when you visited the site today!  We know we rocked the boat a bit by changing the site layout that you’ve been familiar with – after all, our website had the same layout for...