This is a boat you’ll be proud to own, and pass along to your progeny. It’s a 16.5′ Melonseed sailboat with a custom blue deck and varnished mast step which give it a handsome look. It was built 2 years ago and is in great shape. Its balanced lug rig sets up quick – after you drop in the mast, attach the halyard and the lazyjacks to get the sail bundle in the air, ready for anything. Tandem rowing is always possible and when the wind comes up, just pull the rope.
This boat comes with everything pictured including: Melonseed Sailboat with deck and tandem sliding seats, laminated wood sheer, dark blue deck and dark blue top strake on hull, custom wood inlay at mast base, stainless steel keel protection, 2 pairs of 9′ spoon oars, storage hatches, tiller extension, 2 seat cushions, jiffy reefing, gear bag, boat cover and beach dolly.
If ordered to be built today, a sistership would cost $23,450. We are asking $16,800 for this one-of-a-kind Melonseed.

Is the melonseed Sold?
Hi Richard, there is a sale in process.