Our oars combine the traditional appeal of wood with high performance and ease of use.
Our oars reflect years of research and experimentation to refine the ideal oars for modern rowers. Crafted from high altitude oregon Fir, these oars feel much lighter and more delicately balanced than typical wood oars.
The long ‘high aspect ratio’ blade shape is extremely efficient; the blade length and curve prevents slippage on the power stroke while the narrow width requires less lift and is less likely to hit waves on the backstroke.
Careful control of the shaft diameter combined with the blade taper makes a delightful flex pattern that yields at the beginning of power for a soft feel. At the completion of the stroke the flex recovers quickly giving a little extra ‘kick’.
Chafe guards are heavy duty nylon rope wrapping set in epoxy. The oar stops are a firm rubber that grips the rope for positive positioning yet can be easily adjusted for different amounts of overlap or use on different boats.
In the video below, Falk breaks down the different styles of oar we offer and which size oars are recommended for each boat.

The oars we currently offer include:
Wood Oars:
Flat blade: 7′, 8′, and 9′ lengths
Spoon blade: 7′, 7.5′, 8′, 8.5′ and 9′ lengths
2-Piece Takedown Oars:
XPL Oars (carbon shaft and spoon blade) in any length from 8′ to 9.5′
Scamp Oars (fiberglass shaft, composite straight blade), 9′ length
Forward Facing Rowing System:
Our one-of-a-kind system cleverly enables the rower to face forward instead of backward while rowing!
Learn more about the forward rowing system here.
Other sizes and styles may be available by special order.