We are listing a very special Lobster Boat built for Dave Robertson, our founder. He built it specifically for his needs, which are primarily crabbing and lake fishing. He also also used it for family excursions, picnics at local islands, and even filming GHBW U tube segments.

Dave used the undecked base boat because the deck is intended to keep the boat drier when heeled under sail. The counterpoint of the wide side decks is losing substantial interior volume which is preferable for a row / workboat. He also added a custom front triangular seat for Shadow, his Queensland Heeler who loves to stand on the bow under way. This seat / platform also adds lots of additional reserve flotation with storage under for anchor and stuff. The round side hatches have tight lids to access sealed storage under.

(This is a sister ship shown for comparison) – note how much interior space is sacrificed for the deck.