Well here’s something that’s been a long time coming… a video tutorial of how to rig one of our sailboats!

Here Falk demonstrates how to rig up our 12′ Point Defiance Sailboat. As a sloop rig, this one is pretty representative of how the majority of our boats are rigged, with some slight modifications based on the model and options you choose. 


We’ll also be updating our written instruction manual soon to better match up with the techniques shown here. Those of you who have been sailing our boats for quite some time may notice some minor changes in the sequence of events, or subtle shifts in our way of doing things, versus when you first picked up your boat. 

Falk does a great job here of explaining the rationale behind the rigging as he goes. That said, sailing is an art as well as a science, and every sailor has their own way of doing things in order to keep things tidy and consistent when under sail.  If you find yourself doing something a little differently, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing it “wrong” . . . if you have questions, feel free to contact us.

P.S. Melonseed and SCAMP lovers, don’t feel left out… a balanced-lug rig demo will be coming soon!