We love to see where our “babies” end up and all the places our customers take them. Here are some of the recent photos and stories sent to us, showing how our boats are doing with there new families.


This boat has been the best thing for me

Out with my wife, Stephanie, in Newport Harbor. My 1st real passenger. The boat rows well into the wind with her in the stern. I can feel the wind wanting to blow the bow down, but she holds her course well. My wife remarked when she saw me after a few days that my shoulders are growing and I’m losing weight thanks to salad & fish diet plus a good row around Lido Isle. Many thanks to your fine craftsmanship. A lot of boaters notice and comment on how pretty the Whitehall sits in the water. They love her when I tie her up at the Lido Isle Yacht Club.  Thank-you all you salts for making this 1st summer in Newport a pleasant one.  

Sincerely, John B. Love

( PS, I’m 67 but now feel like I’m 27 when I’m out on the Harbor)



Sunshine, boats and smiles..don’t forget your hot pink sunglasses!

Here is one of our youngest customers who was all smiles when she sat in one of our Scamps. She was a natural as she took hold of the tiller and guided her boat through the imaginary waves in front of our shop.



Nice boat, nice oars!

Howard is a good friend of ours, and an extremely accomplished small craft expert. He helped design the SCAMP, he is an instructor at the Small Craft Academy and is now preparing to sail round Cape Horn in a SCAMP.

” Dear Dave.
As you know, I purchased a pair of your companies 9′ 4″ Gig Harbor Boat Works 2 piece carbon fiber oars for my newly built SCAMP just launched as Southern Cross.
I have rowed a number of SCAMP’s including your boats. I have perhaps underestimated SCAMP’s rowing ability. That is until I began using the Gig Harbor oars with a proper ergonomic fixed seat setup that fits my height. My newly launched boat rowed far better than I anticipated. The Gig Harbor oars are a big part of the surprising performance I have experienced and they pull just as well on your Gig Harbor SCAMP. Nice boat, nice oars.
Howard Rice”



Taking boats to new heights

One of our customers took his SCAMP up into the lakes in the mountains of Colorado.

“The Scamp made it to 11,000 feet today, thought I would send you a photo. Sadly no water was available at this stop….”

Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 11:20 am



It’s not good, it’s great!

Well Dave-

It goes like this. I am a sculler. I also own a sail boat that I live on. For years I have been using an inflatable as a dingy. I started researching sliding seat boats. Ones that, unlike a shell (boat that you use for sculling), you would not get wet, could use on rougher water, did not quickly dump you in the drink and was shorter than the standard 27 to 30 foot single shell. I mentioned this to a friend who told me of his brother who had a Gig Harbor14′  Whitehall he may want to part with. The design, length and specs looked good. Little did I know… It’s not good, it’s great…I’m hooked on rowing this fine gliding boat. I live on a sail boat and use the Whitehall 14 as a dingy and to commute around the 1000 slip Oceanside Harbor. My daughter also lives on a boat about three “docks” away. I have yet to make it straight to her boat. I get in the Whitehall, take a few strokes and always make the decision to pass her dock, take a lap and hear the comments. Yesterday two different people told me I needed a girl with a parasol. It’s smooth, stable, dry and easily hangs on davits from the back of my 36 foot sailboat. Did I say it’s fun to row?

Today I’m getting a parasol and rowing it over to my daughter. I’m expecting it to take me a little over an hour to get there.



All In All A Great Boat

As a Scamp owner I thought I’d put in my 2 cents worth.
The thing about the Scamp is it’s just so much fun. My only other boat I can compare it to is a Chesapeake Light Crafts Passagemaker which I built and sailed for a while. Then I tried a Scamp at the Port Townsend wooden boat festival and fell in love. I could have bought a 32 ft boat here in the Channel Islands Marina for a LOT less but got a Scamp instead. No regrets. While all those big boats are tied up at the dock, I’m out sailing!
The Scamp will do whatever you ask of her, effortlessly.
The performance is great. Several times I have passed large (32 ft) sailboats. The wife usually says “Honey, why is that little boat passing us?” While the husband glares at me.
I store mine at a dry storage facility with the mast up and sail attached. In the water and away in 15 min. I use the crane so no ramp launching.
I have a electric MinnKota trolling motor for in close maneuvering.
I sail with a 93 year old friend and have never worried.
All in all a great boat 🙂



Picnics and rowing

Our very own Dave took a row with his wife to Blake Island, where they had a picnic and a nice hike around the island. Talk about a perfect day!



Thanks everyone for your photos and stories, glad we could help you make memories!
Make sure to send in your pictures and stories so you can receive a Gig Harbor Boatshop T-shirt just like all of these customers.