Today we look at some photos of different ways to experience the same boat – a 14′ Whitehall.  Many thanks to our customers who shared these photos with us… it’s great to be able to showcase the versatility of small craft!

A Whitehall day trip – exploring Long Island Sound

I took the vessel across Long Island Sound last summer.  I rowed from Stamford, CT to Oyster Bay, LI, to a spot called The Sand Hole, just at the mouth of Oyster Bay.  It was a two hour row over, and two and a half back.  I’ve attached some pictures.  I plotted the course and followed the heading right into The Sand Hole!  It was a great trip.  I’ve mounted a reverse compass on the stern seat.  It saves looking over the shoulder!

Take care,



14′ Whitehall Yacht Tender

Here is a set of pictures of a Whitehall on Davits… they are a great example of how even one of our larger boats can serve as a tender for the right yacht.
14' Whitehall on davitsWhitehall Tender


A Deckmounted Whitehall

And here’s an oldie-but-goodie, a shot from the Seattle Opening Day boat parade several years ago.  Because sometimes Whitehalls get to go along for the ride (and add a little bit of eye candy)…