A few days ago we posted a customer question about rowing the sailing melonseed.  Today we bring you a couple of Melonseed-related items that we pulled out of our mailbag for your perusal and pleasure!

Melonseed at Jensen Point

New Melonseed owner Bud S. was so excited about his new boat, he sent us a diary of his first adventure, a photo, and even video!

Diary of a new Melonseed owner:


2/26/13 Drive to Gig Harbor to take delivery on new sailing Melonseed. She’s a beaut! Short course in rigging “balanced lug rig” with Dave. After settle-up details she is off to her new home on Vashon Is. in Quartermaster Harbor. Thanks to folding tongue on trailer she fits nicely into her new garage quarters. Another dry run at rigging required a phone call to Dave concerning halyard attachment to the yardarm spar. Problem solved.


2/27/13 First launch at Jensen Point for a row on glassy water. Rowed 2 hrs for 6 GPS miles around inner harbor. The sliding seat is a real joy. It will be even more so when I get the custom seat cushions I forgot to bring along. Easy reload back onto trailer.


2/29/13 Maiden sailing voyage with a brisk Southwester. Rigged easily on the trailer sheltered from the wind and launched without a hitch. Rowed out into the wind line off the end of Burton peninsula put up the oars and started beating out to the mouth of the harbor. Can’t believe how well she goes to weather. Made it out to the harbor entrance buoy with no more tacks than I used to do with my previous boats with headsails. Pleasant surprise. This is the ideal rig for solo sailing. It will tack or jibe with equal ease and no headsail sheets to deal with. Clocked just under 8 MPH on a beam reach with GPS. The wind started to drop about 4PM and I thought I was going to end up rowing home. Ran downwind back to Jensen Pt. about 5mi. in 1hr. even in a light breeze.


When I got back to the launch the local rowing teams were just bringing their shells and sculls back to where they are housed. The melon seed caused a real stir. Everyone wanted to know all about the boat. Some people recognized the GH logo but nobody had seen this model. Finders fee Dave. They have a nice facility at Jensen Pt. for storage of shells and sculls and they let me use their power water hose to rinse the boat and trailer. Couldn’t have asked for a better maiden voyage. Looking forward to a summer of rowing and sailing with grandkids. Will be in touch Dave about some additional equipment including rowing seat cushions, a wind vane and brass nameplate.


Regards, Bud S.
Melonseed Jensen Pt

Melonseed in Michigan

Here’s a letter and gorgeous shot of a fortunate Melonseed that’s lucky to have a great home on one of Michigan’s beautiful lakes:

Dear Dave: hope you are well.  I’m still enjoying my Melonseed, and have finally remembered to attach a few pictures… taken on the lake where the boat is kept, Lake Leelanau in northern lower Michigan.  Starting about two years ago the University of Michigan started a rowing club on the lake.  I often get admiring glances and comments from rowing club members.
