If you follow the blog, you’ve probably noticed that the used boats we post on our Available Now page don’t normally last long.  Sometimes they don’t even make it to the website before they’re gone!  Here’s a story where the boat didn’t even make it onto the market at all!

Last month, the owner of a 12′ Point Defiance called asking if we could help sell their boat on consignment. Sure, although we hate to see folks sell their Gig Harbor boat, we know life goes on and sometimes a boat doesn’t fit into new plans or lifestyles.

In this case, the owners were moving off their floating home on the Columbia River near Portland. Their Point Defiance had served them well but it was time to move on, so on a Saturday afternoon they brought the boat to our shop in Gig Harbor to be listed on consignment. I could see they were a bit sad when signing the consignment contract.

Just a few hours later a phone message came on out phone recorder with a simultaneous e mail;

“I left a voicemail message, but wanted to also send an email. Michele and I have regretted our decision to sell the boat, and would like to take it back. We will do whatever it takes to make it right with you financially for your time and effort, but we have developed an emotional attachment to that boat that has been somewhat overwhelming. We haven’t slept hardly at all and many tears have been shed. It’s silly, but we have too many memories with that boat, our kids love the boat, and the idea of parting with it has torn us up. We pray that you have not sold it yet. Again, I don’t want to have wasted your time and will do what it takes to make things right with you. Please call when you have a chance.”

So of course I called right away to tell them the boat is off the market… Just a few hours after that they were back in Gig Harbor ( 3 hour drive each way) to fetch the wayward Point Defiance back home where it belonged.

Amazing how a little boat can worm its way into your life and your heart.