Lake Quinault is a large, remote lake on the Western edge of Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. Most of this lake is surrounded by the Olympic National Forest, Olympic National Park, and the Quinault Indian reservation. Mark and Suzanne have a place there where they sail their Gig Harbor Lobster Boat. Mark contacted us recently to get a replacement halyard block so we bribed him to send photos with a promise of a free block. The sailing there looks great, although he could have set up a tad more jib halyard tension. ;<)

He says..

The log boom is on the W end of lake and protects the floating Indian fish hatchery from an East wind.  You can see how it works here with the usual West wind. This is near the hatchery at W end of lake.  An East wind has a long fetch down the valley and over 3 miles of lake and, while not the norm, can get pretty rough.

The boat sails great! … Thanks for the block!”

– Mark, Lake Quinault, WA

Sailing along the fish hatchery log boom

The view from the deck of the cabin