Welcome to all those who are new to Gig Harbor Boat Works home on the web, ghboats.com!  Whether you’re shopping for a boat, are an avid rower, a novice sailor, or just a curious surfer who stumbled upon our little site, we’re happy you’re here.

If you’ve been here before, you’ll notice that we’ve recently made a few changes.  We’ve added a blog, and improved our layout and content organization.  We hope that our new site is a little bit easier to navigate, so you can find what you’re looking for more quickly. As traditional boatbuilders, we’ve been slow to adapt to the Internet’s way of doing things, but we hope that you find these changes are a step in the right direction. It is still a work in progress, and we welcome any feedback you have (just leave us a comment below).

Here are some pointers to help you get the “lay of the land” and find what you’re looking for on our new, reorganized website:

– Check out “Boat Details & Specifications”  for an overview of our model line.  See each of the rowing and sailing boats we build, as well as the available options that can be built into our models.  To learn more about each model (specs, historical design, and best use), you can follow the links to pages about the individual boats.

– The News section of our site contains our blog, which includes news, updates, anecdotes, and other fun tidbits.  (For our previous visitors, this is the new version of our Newsletters – which you can still find in the blog archives.)  You can also visit this section to search the site by category or keyword.

–  If you’d rather jump straight to a single topic, you can use the navigation menu on the left side of the page, or visit our Site Map to get a bird’s-eye view of what our site contains.

– Coming soon: A “How to Order” section to learn about our ordering process, and how to choose and customize your boat so that it best suits your needs and intended use.

And a few helpful tidbits for the less web-savvy folks out there:

– If you want to print out a post or a page from our site, use the “Printer-Friendly” link at the bottom right corner of the page you want to print.  This will take you to a pared-down version of the page that will print out better.  Then click on the “print” link in the bottom-right corner to send the document to your printer.

– You can see a larger view of many of our photos by clicking on them, the image will open in an overlaid window over the webpage.  Photos that belong to a set will have right/left arrows to take you through the other images in the series.  Clicking “close” in the bottom right corner of the photo will return you to the page you were reading.

– Our contact information is at the bottom of every page, and also available on the Contact Us page.