During the 2010 Seattle boat show we were contacted by Dieter Loibner of Soundings magazine. Soundings is one of the premier boating magazines in the Eastern US, so when Dieter asked if he could visit our shop for a test sail and possible magazine article, we were flattered and glad to accept his offer. In June Dieter came by and we had a very nice visit. We sailed and rowed a 17′ Jersey skiff, and the weather happily cooperated. Sunny weather is never a sure bet in the Pacific Northwest, and even more so this year, as we experienced a “Juneuary” that was the wettest and coldest June on record in 35 years. But this day was stunning – clear crisp sun, the mountains were out, and our classic Gig Harbor 8-knot thermals were blowing steadily. Dieter submitted and published the following article in the July Soundings.

On Sailboats: Muscle power and wind are all you need – by Dieter Loibner(.pdf)
Reprinted with permission from Soundings Publications, LLC.
