Fishing with the grandkids

Fishing with the grandkids

Last week grandpa took the kids out for their very first ‘Real’ fishing trip. Our boat of choice was a Gig Harbor Lobster Boat (naturally!) because of it’s ample space and stability. We went to Olalla bay  which requires a fun row under a low bridge to access the tide...
Fishing with the grandkids

SCAMP Update #5

We had an interesting week. Along with all our usual activities, we had a group of visiting Small Craft owners stop by the boatshop as part of their group cruise through Puget Sound. Their timing was perfect because the same day Scamp’s designer John Welsford,...
Fishing with the grandkids

SCAMP Update #4

Time for another SCAMP update – work is progressing pretty quickly now! This part of the construction is the installation of a temporary deck, and then turning the hull over to design the keelsons and begin the fairing process. The purpose of this temporary deck...
Fishing with the grandkids

SCAMP update #3

We made good progress last week! The upper planks are permanently bonded (double planks)and the deck chine is in place. The basic deck structure and format has been napkin doodled successfully to the point where sawdust is starting to fly. A tricky point has been...
Fishing with the grandkids

SCAMP update #2

Here is another SCAMP tidbit to keep you titillated! The below photos show the installation of the double center plank. I think I previously mentioned that we need to make the planks slightly thicker than standard because fiberglass requires a smooth transition...